Monday, May 18, 2009

Thanks Mom (and Dad too!)

Today is my birthday...
Thank you mom for spending the day in labor...
Then welcoming me into the world around 2:15pm.

I remember being proud growing up bragging that you had me "naturally"...
And with Teren before me, and Nick after - you "used drugs" during their labor...
I always thought that made me more special for some reason (one of those things kids think).

Then when I had to be induced to have Chloe, and said yes to the Epidural...
Somewhat thinking - I must not be as strong as you were...
And without you there, I couldn't compare notes...

But then Dad stepped in after it was all done and told me about the day I was born...
How you were strong and were doing great with the labor...
And that by the time you were into full labor,
You had told them (yelling of course) you wanted the Epidural too...
But it was too late, and you had no choice - I was to be born natural...

So thank goodness for Dad being there too that day!
On both my birthday and the birth of Chloe...
Like all good Dads - they make you feel better when you don't even really ask - they just know!

Thank you both for deciding to have me...
Thank you both for being involved with my life...
Thank you for living your lives and letting me know it is okay to make mistakes,
and to try to make things right again, no matter how much time goes by...

To be forgiving...
To be loving...
To be proud...
To be caring...
To be happy...
To be the best person you know how to be...

Thank you!

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