Babies are such treasures...
I wish you could've physically met and been around for your grandchildren...
Chloe is turning into such a funny little girl.
She love her bags (this one of yours is her favorite!)

Jamie is due with Taylor at any moment now...
Please, if you can, help her & Nick through the delivery.
I know you will be there with them!
And we're happy with our #2 on the way, due to arrive January 13th or so.
I told Mrs. M. the other day that if anyone doubts that you had anything to do with me being pregnant both times with babies due around your favorite time of the year - they didn't know you at all! And if things work out that I have this one early too - we will surely be having a Christmas baby this time...
How you would've loved this!!!
Thanks Mom (I know you are enjoying it from where you are)!
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