It is crazy how fast time goes by.
And it's so weird sometimes looking at pictures of Chloe growing up and to think that you aren't here (not in the physical sense) to be able to see your reaction.
How different our lives would be if you were with us...
Some things wouldn't change, but really, it's as if I'm on a different path, an alternate road in life without you...
Still never would've thought I'd be here experiencing this without you present - not ever...
So that disbelief continues - I don't think that will ever be something I get over...
So here are some pictures of what Chloe has been doing this summer I thought you would love...
Here she is walking in a pair of mommy's shoes.
She loves the shiny beads on these...

Beach hair...
She loves the sand and picking up all the rocks and shells she can find...

And she loves hanging out with her good friends...
You would've loved to see Chloe and Jamie together!
I know you were excited that Natalie and I were going to be having babies close together and thought that was so cool...

And I know you would've laughed as much as Natalie and I did as Jamie noticed the Sesame Street characters on Chloe's diapers (he has environmentally friendly ones without characters) and kept pointing to them on the back and front of the diaper... Saying in an excited high pitched almost 2 year old voice: Elmo, Cookie, Monkey, Big Bird!!!
It was SO funny and sweet...
I know you would've loved it (and probably do...)
Miss you every day mom...