I had never heard of this book until about two weeks ago:
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Numeroff
Dave and I had taken Chloe to Borders so I could load up on some books & magazines to help jump some inspiration for me, and he had this book in his mind to find for Chloe.
After we got home, we got a bath, into our pajamas and ready for bed...
Instead of heading into Chloe's room, we sat on the couch - all three of us together...
Chloe on my lap and the book on Dave's as he read it to us.
We ended up reading all three stories, and really - I think it was one of the most memorable nights so far that we have spent as a small family unit.
We try to spend our time with Chloe - together - not so much in "shifts" as we find sometimes works out happening when we tend to get a little busy...
With this mother's day being my 2nd one without my mom - and me having a really rough time recently - I told Dave "make sure you make me feel extra special this year". Not that I would have to tell him - but it's more of the - by the way - I'm really feeling crappy, please help...
So he came up with the idea of taking some pictures of Chloe and me from just before her birth through now, and made a picture book for me for mother's day and called "If You Give A Mom A Chloe".
He is such an Awesome Husband/Dad/Person...
I quick snapped this picture of the cover with my photobooth, and can't quite figure out how to "flip" the image. And I apologize about the glare... but you get the idea...

I think I've looked through it a dozen times - and really appreciate all the work he put into it with all the phrases below the pictures...
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
I did...
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