Life has so many twists and turns.
So many little signs of hope when you slow down and pay attention.
My morning started early. Slight chill in the air. Up before everyone else. Enough time to make things easy going (slow wake up for the kids with extra snuggle time to give them a happier morning).

I noticed that Chloe's pants were a bit large around the waist as we were getting into the car for school, and sent her in to Dave for a new pair. She comes back out with a Velcro cord wrap holding two belt loops closer together (OMG - too funny! Such a dad thing!!! My mom loved that kind of stuff from Dave!)
A little back story:
Chloe and I had collected 6 monarch caterpillars from our garden to take to school a couple of weeks ago (they were devouring our milkweed & were close to making their chrysalis anyway - so the timing was right).

We figured that they would be emerging 1 to 2 weeks after they made their chrysalis, and they started on this week. 1 Monday. 1 Tuesday. And today, as I was walking out to my car, I stopped to look - and this one was emerging...

I quick grabbed Chloe so she could see this rare sight. And the some of the other little kids from her school were able to watch too.

Amazing! In about 10 minutes her abdomen had decreased in size as her wings expanded and began to dry.

The 4th should emerge today and the last two tomorrow. Then they will all be released together. How cool is that? And what perfect timing... Today of all days too?
If Dave had not taken the time to fix her pants, we would have been earlier & would have missed this entirely. Wow.
And upon arriving home, I took a moment to look at the garden, and noticed a few things.
This Zinnia - showing off it's beautiful back side...

And another Zinnia - loving the unfurling petals. Didn't notice the caterpillar until I saw this photo...

And this Four o'clock flower - appearing to be reaching out...

Catching morning sunshine rays...

And some genetic variation from years of cross pollination :)

And Begonias from my friend Karin's garden which Chloe loves to watch as we pull out of the driveway and comment every time: "Mom. Those pink flowers are so pretty".

And last thing as the morning continues to move on...
A feather. Dave found it on his morning run.

Thanks mom. I know you are keeping an eye on us.
Every day we love you & miss having you as a part of our physical life.
I carry you in my heart and carry out my promise that my kids will know their grandmother no matter what.
A few more hours and I can breathe again. Another year will begin again.
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