Dave brought down a container from the attic marked Easter. I just thought it contained things we had put in one of my mom's tupperware bins, but inside were some things she had bought:
A singing bunny and chick in the egg (she got these almost every holiday, and we used to tease her about it constantly)...

Chloe of course loves it, and plays it constantly...

There were baskets too. The bunny one is my brother Nick's from when he was little. And the others are just ones she has picked up... We are going to use two of them, and the other(s) go to Nick for his little girl Taylor (8 months old now).
And just the other day I let Chloe pick through my box of nailpolish so we could paint her toenails. I suggested some of my personal favorites: blue, purple, green... but she wanted "red". It just so happened that I have my mom's old nail polishes in the box too, and don't you know, Chloe picked out my mom's constant shade of deep pink?

Too funny how much Chloe reminds me of my mom at times...
And I enjoy sharing this stuff so very much - keeping the memories going!
Happy Easter!
-- Posted From My iPhone