I remember going with my mom to John Wannamakers (a department store no longer) here in Wilmington back in the late 70's. They had a big Winnie The Pooh doll up on swing that you could pull the rope and make him swing and do loops up over the bar that held him if you pulled hard enough.
I vividly remember the images of being pushed through the clothing sections of the store from a stroller point of view, my favorite always being the long silky slips in the women's department... Pushed past the racks of clothing, and up to the glorious candy counter, where everything sat lovely in their trays behind glass. Mom would always get some milk chocolate coconut haystacks - just a few for us to share (I remember getting more than just one). To this day, they remain my very favorite kind of chocolate candy...
And I always think of how happy it used to make her that I would tell her that I vividly remembered those times, and how I enjoyed them...
It's so funny because now I do the same sort of thing with Chloe (as special treats of course).
Chocolate is one of those things that I just adore and enjoy immensely.
And she has become a big fan of chocolate now too...
The other day she asked me for some chocolate. I thought I'd let her try a Tasty Cake Candy Cake (sponge cake with peanut butter covered in chocolate - her dad's favorite). She looked at it, took a small bite warily, then handed it back to me:
No Mommy, I want the purple chocolate...

The "purple chocolate" being a piece of Hershey's Bliss, Milk Chocolate.
I've got to say, I'm impressed... At two years old, my kid knows the difference between so-so chocolate, and the smooth higher quality milk chocolate that I keep for little treats for myself. Even thought the other chocolate candy cake was bigger, she didn't want it. Quality vs Quantity... (that's my girl!)
So in this way, Chloe is getting to know her Grandmom Pattie through little things like this. And I'm sure one day if Chloe has kids of her own, she will be passing this little sweet treat onto them...