One thing that I always liked about my mom is that no matter who you were...
Or what your background...
She would always welcome you into her home with open arms...
I'm not saying she was perfect or she didn't hold grudges if you crossed her,
Because she did...
She was a very protective person of people close to her, and boy, don't make her mad...
She always gave the best hugs...
No matter how long it had been since she saw you...
Here she is back in the late 80's or early 90's with her younger brother Robbie.

And I have found that in my life this sort of thinking:
To welcome first...
Ask questions later...
Has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people that have become wonderful friends...
A bit naive maybe, but still, there is always some caution up front...
There is such a great human connection in this world if you open up enough to let it find you...
And for me, in recent years it has really focused around the bead world...
This is because of doing bead shows almost every weekend for years,
Traveling to different parts of the country to do shows,
Having dinner with friends, or coffee and donuts in the mornings with friends...
And by friends, I mean other vendors, show promoters, bead artists, customers, bead shop owners, magazine employees, and many others...
It's like a big family reunion every time we would meet up.
And going to my mom's house, especially during the holidays, that's what it felt like!
Friends, Neighbors, Family... Everyone was family really...
And now, since I'm home/studio bound and not doing shows anytime soon I feel like I'm discovering a great new group of friends in my life through blogging and keeping in touch through technology.
And I've got to say how excited and proud I am to be able to work with such amazing artists that are donating their time and talent to the My Mom Etsy shop!
It's like a weight has been lifted by these artists...
These Friends of mine...
These wonderful people that are becoming more like family every day...
They are stepping up to the plate right there with me,
And helping me reach my goals...
To make a permanent place for the memory of My Mom Pattie out there in the world...
To help make a difference little by little,
Which is the only way to get something larger accomplished...
To the other artists wanting to donate materials - Right On!!!
You guys are great too, and an unexpected part of this.
And I promise once Riley arrives and I've got more brain power to dedicate to the My Mom Pattie Etsy Shop, we'll get a place for you guys too.
For now, contact the Jewelry Designers directly if you don't mind, to help out more immediately! They are really amazing and talented...
I can't promise they can use everything someone offers them, because this is all about donating time and effort, and there are some limits to be set.
You can always make something, sell it, then donate the proceeds to My Mom Pattie...
Hmmm... I should talk to my accountant about that one...
Just want to make sure things are done properly!
Anyway - lots to do before my Dr's appointment for Riley this afternoon...
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for everything you are all doing to help out with me reaching my goals!
I can hear mom humming along and singing to her favorite Christmas tunes right now...
She's got a huge smile on her face, and warm welcoming hugs for everyone!
Which of course, should make everyone smile or just feel that much more loved...